Tonari no Seki-kun Junior Ends Manga Run
Based on "My Neighbor Seki" by manga artist Takuma Morishige
Takuma Morishige's manga, "Tonari no Seki-kun Junior," has ended with the release of the 31st and final chapter in the June issue of Kadokawa's Monthly Comic Flapper magazine. The manga was launched in July 2020 and follows the story of Yokoi, a character from the original "My Neighbor Seki-kun" manga who is now a mother. She faces the challenge of finding different ways to play with her unique 2-year-old son, who looks like Seki-kun. The second compiled book volume of the manga was released in June 2022, and the third volume is set to be published on June 22.
The original "My Neighbor Seki-kun" manga, which began in 2010, centers around a girl named Yokoi, who sits next to a boy named Seki-kun. Seki-kun is known for not paying attention in class and instead creates intricate distractions, such as creating a golf course or playing out a dramatic war using paper shogi pieces. The manga was nominated for the 5th Manga Taisho Awards in 2012 and has been published in English by Vertical Comics.
Morishige, back in April 2018, published a new chapter for the main "My Neighbor Seki-kun" series. The creator also launched and ended the "Voiradi: Boku no Suki na Personality" manga in Comic Flapper between June 2017 and October 2018. The manga has also inspired an anime adaptation and a live-action show.