NHK, the renowned Japanese broadcasting corporation, unveiled an exciting development on Friday, announcing the production of a captivating 32-episode live-action series inspired by Shizuki Fujisawa's beloved manga, "Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai" (translated as "Youth Story of a Family" or literally, "The Four Yuzuki Brothers"). Scheduled to debut on May 27, the series is set to grace television screens every Monday through Thursday, with each episode boasting a runtime of 15 minutes.
Everything You Need to Know
The series has assembled a talented cast to bring the characters to life, featuring Taiyu Fujiwara portraying the role of Hayato, Haruto Ōno as Mikoto, Haruhi Yamaguchi embodying Minato, and Yahiro Nagase taking on the persona of Gakuto. Notably, the series will be helmed by a team of directors including Natsuki Seta, Yōhei Inobe, Kyōhei Tamazawa, and Shunji Kikuchi, with scriptwriting prowess provided by Shuko Arai. Adding another layer of depth to the series will be the music composed by Oh Shu.
Originally serialized in Shogakukan's shōjo manga magazine Betsucomi in 2018, "Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon-Kyōdai" has steadily captured the hearts of readers. The manga's 16th compiled volume, released on December 26, attests to its enduring popularity. Notably, the manga clinched the prestigious shōjo category award at the 66th Shogakukan Manga Prizes in 2020, further solidifying its status as a beloved work.
At its core, the story presents a poignant coming-of-age narrative revolving around four brothers, each with distinctive personalities and roles within the family dynamic. From the responsible eldest brother and family provider, Hayato, to the caring yet reserved Mikoto, the gentle Minato, and the confident young Gakuto, the series promises to delve into the complexities of sibling relationships and the challenges of growing up.
Moreover, the manga's animated adaptation, comprising 12 episodes, made its debut on October 5 to much acclaim. Crunchyroll, a prominent streaming platform, facilitated the global audience's access to the series under the title "The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons," further amplifying its reach and appeal.
With the live-action adaptation poised to make its mark on television screens, fans eagerly anticipate the unfolding of the Yuzuki brothers' story in a new and immersive format. As the premiere date draws near, anticipation mounts for this heartfelt portrayal of family bonds and the journey to self-discovery.
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