Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog franchise announced on Twitter that Sonic Prime, a 3D animated series produced by WildBrain Studios, will return on July 13th. The initial release of Sonic Prime occurred on December 15th and consisted of 40-minute and seven 20-minute episodes. While it was initially planned for WildBrain Ltd.'s Vancouver studio to animate 24 episodes, the official episode count for the entire series has yet to be specified. The creative team will lead the show from Man of Action Entertainment, known for their work on Ben 10 and Big Hero 6, who will serve as showrunners and executive producers. Sega and WildBrain will handle the production, distribution, and licensing aspects.
The plot of Sonic Prime revolves around Sonic's journey in a peculiar new multiverse. As he sets out to save the universe, Sonic also embarks on a personal quest for self-discovery and redemption. The series will feature various familiar characters from the Sonic franchise, including Shadow the Hedgehog.
Deven Mack will provide the voice for Sonic in the series, while the current actors for Sonic in the games and movies will continue to voice the character, as confirmed by Mack.
The cast of Sonic Prime also includes Brian Drummond as Eggman, Ashleigh Ball as Tails, Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Rose, Adam Nurada as Knuckles, and Ian Hanlin as Shadow and Big the Cat.