New Anime Movie "Kizumonogatari" Sets Record for Having the Longest Commercial Ever!
The Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp anime movie has etched its name in Japanese history with the release of an unprecedented 8-minute-long commercial, setting a new record for the longest advertisement ever showcased in the country. This cinematic spectacle, known for its distinctive art style and unconventional direction, is a creation of the renowned anime studio SHAFT.
Originally broadcast on New Year's Day in Japan, the monumental commercial can now be experienced by fans worldwide as it has been made available on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. The release strategically coincided with the movie's debut in cinemas, adding an extra layer of excitement for enthusiasts of the Monogatari series.
Koyomi Vamp
The 8:01-minute-long video not only serves as a promotional piece for the Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp movie but also stands as a testament to SHAFT's commitment to pushing creative boundaries. While most companies might hesitate to draw attention to the duration of an advertisement, SHAFT embraces its eccentric reputation as the "weird" anime studio, fearlessly delivering content that captivates audiences.
The dark red background and the striking visuals of Kizumonogatari: Koyomi Vamp's character, Kiss Shot, looking down, create a visually compelling atmosphere. As fans dive into the lengthy advertisement, they are treated not only to a sneak peek into the movie but also to a unique viewing experience that challenges the norms of traditional commercial lengths.
With this historic achievement, SHAFT not only promotes its latest cinematic offering but also solidifies its status as a trailblazer in the anime industry, leaving an indelible mark on Japanese television history with the longest commercial ever produced.