Frieren Manga Takes 1-Month Break!
"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" manga, created by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe, is taking a one-month break, as announced in the 16th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. The hiatus will last until the magazine's 21st issue in mid-April.
The story follows Frieren, an elf mage, and her companions who have defeated the Demon King, bringing peace to the land. However, as an elf, Frieren will live much longer than her friends. She embarks on a journey to understand the meaning of life as she outlives her companions. The manga explores themes of mortality, friendship, and the passage of time, as Frieren fulfills the last wishes of her comrades and begins a new adventure.
"Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" debuted in Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in April 2020 and returned from hiatus in March 2023. The manga has been well-received, with the first compiled volume released in August 2020 and the 13th volume set to release on April 17. Viz Media has licensed the manga for English release, with the 10th volume available since February 20.
The manga has achieved significant success, with over 7 million copies in circulation since the debut of the anime adaptation. Currently, there are over 17 million copies of the manga in circulation. It has also received critical acclaim, winning awards such as the New Creator Prize for the 25th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2021 and the 14th Manga Taisho Award in the same year.
Additionally, it was nominated for Best Shōnen Manga for Kodansha's 45th and 46th annual Manga Awards. The American Library Association's Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT) included the manga in its top 10 list of 2022 Best Graphic Novels for Adults Reading List.
Even though "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" is praised for its compelling storytelling, rich themes, and emotional depth, Its popularity and critical acclaim reflect its impact on readers worldwide, making it a standout manga series in the industry.